I think my poor husband might be glad he's going back to work this week. He had some vacation time to kill, and we decided to stay home. We went to the movies, and out to dinner, and before he knew what hit him, he was moving furniture and hanging shelves up for me!! Well, I have to say, it really was his fault. He decided he didn't want the elliptical in the dining room anymore. "What? You mean it doesn't look good in the dining room

?" I exclaim. Well, NO, not particularly. So, the quest was on to find a place in the house where it would fit, and I would still use it. Yes, I do use it. I won't tell you how often, but I do still use it. So into my sewing room it went! It weights about 200 lbs, it really is a nice one, so we finally put those furniture sliders under the base and "slid" it right into my sewing room. Of course this demanded a total room makeover, so before you know it, I'm changing quilts on the walls and hanging all those little hooks and shelves I've been meaning to get to for eons. We moved a huge cabinet in the corner to the opposite corner so that ever important and quintessential elliptical would fit

Now here's a shot looking in from the doorway, and you really don't even know it's there!
Moving quilts meant the longarm room had to have some changes as well, so he really didn't know what monster he had uncovered until it was WAY too late!! lol!
New quilts now hang in the longarm room, and I really enjoy the new view.

Ooops, yes, those ARE Twilight posters

on that far wall. Ok, you caught me.
I also have the only quilt I've ever sent to a really big quilt show hanging there. I sent it to Road to Calif in 2004, and it was accepted. It won Best of Show in my quild that year for our quilt challenge, and I have to say, it was one of the most fun quilt projects I ever made. The theme was God Bless America, and I finished it on the day we went to war with Iraq. I'll have to show a more close up pic in the next post. It is raw edge applique, painted, couched and was just fun in general finding fabrics, like feathers for the eagle.
I also got my old bench from an old dresser that is long gone painted and recovered. It looks way better than it did in that old antique ugly green.

Ok, so yes, I have been quilting as well. I'm going to get this quilt on the longarm by tomorrow. All the blocks are done and I should finish putting it all together tonight. I cooked dinner late last night while I was in the mood, so I don't have to cook tonight!

The fabrics are from RJR called Summer Solstice. This quilt will be going to Fabric Trends Magazine for their Summer issue 2010! The missing secret here is the sashing. It will look totally different when the sashing goes into the design.

Next I'll be doing a cool paper piecing design from these fabrics by Benartex, I'm just waiting for the black to come in.
I'll show you progress as we go along.
Until then, keep quilting!