In the latest Fabric Trends Fall issue, they are showing off my Radiant Poppies design, from the Flower Show 3 line by Benartex. Unfortunately, there is a mistake on the measurements for the corner blocks only, and it didn't get caught before the magazine ran the issue. They have the correction posted on their website, and just so you know, the corner squares are cut 10 1/2", not 12 1/2", and the same for the little borders on the corner squares. So please make sure you change that part on the pattern if you decide to make the quilt!! I guess it had to happen sometime, but I just hate having mistakes in the pattern!!!

Here are a couple of quilts that went to Houston Market this year, this one is called Snow Days by P&B Textiles.
This next one is the finished quilt
for P&B Textiles line called Elizabeth Anne by Alex Anderson. I call the quilt Sherbert Showcases. I still have a Block of the Month coming out with Benartex soon, and I'll update some pics for it as it starts to arrive. Maybe a quilt shop near you will carry it!!
It is nice that market is over, and I've been working hard on a class at college trying to learn Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. It's an art class actually, and I'm really enjoying it. But there is so much to learn, I'm going to have to practice, practice, practice.
Last week when California got the big rain storm we didn't get a drop, but the clouds really came in and gave us some beautiful sunsets. This is one of my favorites. You can really see the rays coming through.
So in the spirit of Fall, I thought I'd share just a few of my favorite things, collected, or painted by me a long time ago, and a quilt to boot. After the long hot summer, I am so happy to see Fall here, and know that it won't be long before we see the kids and grandkids for Christmas. Oopps, I guess I said that way too early. Are we ever really ready for Christmas?
At least now I'll just keep on sewing, quilting, painting and try to enjoy the season. Maybe I can even keep up on my blog!!!! Have missed you all and it's nice to be back.